Commitments - Workflow Diagrams Zuletzt aktualisiert Als PDF speichern Create a Commitment Configure Settings: CommitmentsConfigure Settings: Co...STARTSTARTComplete a Commitment with DocuSign©Complete a Commitment...Edit the Advanced Settings Tab on a CommitmentEdit the Advanced Sett...Add a Subcontractor Schedule of Values to a CommitmentAdd a Subcontractor Sc...Create a SubcontractCreate a Subcontract Create a Purchase OrderCreate a Purchase Orde...Send a Commitment to ERP Integrations for Accounting AcceptanceSend a Commitment to E...LEGENDLEGENDGeneral ContractorGeneral ContractorSubcontractorSubcontractorRequires an IntegrationRequires an IntegrationPurchase OrderPurchase OrderSubcontractSubcontractDo you want to create a purchase order or a subcontract?Do you want to create a purchase o...EmailEmailDocuSign ©DocuSign ©How do you want to collect signatures on the contract?How do you want to collect signatures...Email a CommitmentEmail a Commitment Approve and Sign a SubcontractApprove and Sign a Su...Are you syncing commitments with the ERP Integrations tool?Are you syncing commitments wi...InvoicesInvoicesENDENDChange OrdersChange OrdersAre you ready to create change orders or invoices? Are you ready to create change...Continue to the 'Commitment Change Order Tiers' workflowContinue to the 'Commitment Ch...Continue to the 'Subcontractor Invoices' workflowContinue to the 'Subcontractor... Subcontractor Invoices Accept or Decline an 'Invite to Bill' as an Invoice ContactAccept or Decline an '...DRAFTDRAFTSTARTSTARTDoes the purchase order or subcontract have an 'Invoice Contact'?Does the purchase order or subcontract have...Add Invoice Contacts to a Purchase Order or SubcontractAdd Invoice Contacts t...Create Automatic Billing PeriodsCreate Automatic Billi...Create Manual Billing PeriodsCreate Manual Billing...AUTOMATICAUTOMATICMANUALMANUALHow do you want to create the current billing period?How do you want to create the c...COMMITMENTSCOMMITMENTSINVOICINGINVOICINGAdd an 'Invoice Contact' with the Commitments or Invoicing tool?Add an 'Invoice Contact' with the Co...Add Invoice Contacts to a Purchase Order or SubcontractAdd Invoice Contacts t...INVOICE CONTACT(an external collaborator)INVOICE CONTACT...INVOICE ADMINISTRATOR(an internal user)INVOICE ADMINISTRATOR...Who will create the new invoice?Who will create the new invoice?Optional StepOptional StepLEGENDLEGENDInvoice Administrator (an internal user)Invoice Administrato...Invoice Contact(an external collaborator)Invoice Contact...CommitmentsCommitmentsInvoicingInvoicingCreate a New Invoice on Behalf of the Invoice ContactCreate a New Invoice o...ENDENDSend an 'Invite to Bill' to an Invoice ContactSend an 'Invite to...Revise & Resubmit an Invoice as an Invoice ContactRevise & Resubmit an I...REVISE & RESUBMITREVISE & RESUBMITDoes the invoice contact want to submit an invoice for the current billing period?Does the invoice contact want t...RECEIVE EMAILRECEIVE EMAILACCEPTEDACCEPTEDDid the Invoice Administrator reject any line items on the invoice?Did the Invoice Administrator...ENDENDDECLINEDDECLINEDGeneral AvailabilitySubmit a New Invoice as an Invoice ContactGeneral Availability...Review an Invoice as an Invoice AdministratorReview an Invoice as an I...Are you using one of the supported ERP Integrations to sync invoices? Are you using one of the suppo...DRAFTDRAFTLimited ReleaseSubmit a New Invoice as an Invoice ContactLimited Release...Continued from the 'Create a Commitment' workflowContinued from the 'Create a C...Continue to the 'Export Approved Subcontractor Invoices to ERP' workflowContinue to the 'Export Approv...